My favourite book or film

My favourite book is Personal normal because this book talks about how books can teach you and help you in the life, the importance of enjoy every single day with your family and friends , the first love and how difficult can be  the school, through  the history of a boy that lives with his extroved and wise uncle (Paco)  because their parents died in a car crash and how he can overcome all that with the help and the wire advices that his uncle tells to him.
I readed this book because  my best friend give it to me for my birthday and was the best gift ever! I really love it  and every time that I have a free time I read it !
And my favourite film is La vita è bella, an italian film that talks about a father that built an elaborate fantasy to protect his son from life in a Nazi concentration camp. I like it  because show the things that can make a father for his son just for love .
 I cried the  first time that I see this film  with my classmates in History class .
 So I recommended them if you want a history film or a book that talks about the family and love.


  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. I loves that movie!! I think that is one of the saddest movies that I ever seen :(

  3. I love the film! especially the different way that talks about the first war world


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