A country I would like to visit

Resultado de imagen para colosseum

In the future I would like to visit differents countries with differents cultures than my, but the country that I like the most is Italy because it’s a country that have so many things to offer! Like the food, the architecture, the clothes, the cars, so many things!!
And I have to admit that I know just a little thing about this country, like they are so expressive with their hands,that in this country there was the Roman Empire one of the most important on their era and that in this country were born many importants scientifics and artists people like Danate Alghieri (who wrote the Divine Comedy), Leonardo da Vinci (who drew La Gioconda), Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio and Michel Angelo ( who made the David).
And if I had the opportunity I would visit many places like Le cinque terre,  the Colosseum, Napoli, la torre di Pisa,Venice and Roma.
I would like to live there because I would like to learn italian and  because Italy have a good quality of life and for all the thing that I’ve said before

Resultado de imagen para le cinque terre


  1. Italy is a country with a lot of culture! The city have many places to visit, I recommended you visit Florencia!! I promise that you will not regret! You have to go to "Ponte Vecchio", it´s magical!

  2. Reading your post makes my want to take a plane and go to Italy and visit all those places!

  3. Italy has the best food, in special the pizzas and pastas haha and has a lot of interesting culture

  4. someday i would like to visit Italy too, it has so many history and culture!

  5. Italy is a very nice option of course and you seem to know a lot about it haha, i don't think you will have any problems habituating there if you get the opportunity to travel.

  6. I think Italy is a must to visit, a classic, I would like to go there too.


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