My best holiday

Resultado de imagen para frutillarA holiday that I remember very well was like 2 years ago on February when with my family and my aunt went to visit different cities on the south of Chili like Frutillar, Hornopiren, and Puerto Montt. Fortunately, we had very nice weather so we can visit all of them without a problem.

 We were three days and four nights on Puerto Montt and from that city we travel to the others places so as you can think were many hours traveling on car but it was worth it because the nature, the landscapes, the food, the lakes (the water is so clean that you can see perfectly when you are swimming) are extraordinary! Because at night you can see all the stars and during the day, you can see some volcanos, things that you can’t see in a city!

 Some activities that we did was swimming on the lakes (the water it’s cold but was amazing), trekking, and visit the cities. I will never forget Saltos del Petrohue , the most delicious  kuchen that I ate on Frutillar, the ferry that we had to took to travel to Hornopiren ( was fantastic because you can feel the wind on your face and you can see a beautiful view) and when my sister was chopped by a spider  so for all that reasons this holidays had been the best! I would like to do it again. 

Resultado de imagen para puerto montt

Resultado de imagen para hornopiren                             Resultado de imagen para saltos del petrohue


  1. I went to Frutillar like 3 years ago and I love it! Now, everytime when we go to the South, I said to my family that we have to go to Frutillar! Even if it´s just 2 hours! hahaha

  2. Hi there, I never go to Frutillar:c , but people say that it is so beautiful, and I hope you enjoyed your holidays.

  3. The food of Frutillar is so delicious and with a beautiful landscape I think is the best!

  4. What a nice memory of your holidays, i expect to travel there on this summer again, is so beautiful

  5. i hear that Frutillar is really beautiful ,i hope one day i could visit it.

  6. The south of Chile is very beautiful, i think i am gonna suggest this place in our next vacation it looks wonderful

  7. My favorite place of that trip was Hornopirén! It was so relaxing staying there.

  8. I laughed a lot when I read that one of the reasons you enjoyed those holidays is because your sister was chopped by a spider


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